Community Outreach
Community Outreach
St. John’s Parishioners, you are invited to participate in the Church’s our Community Outreach Program. The purpose of the Outreach Program is to identify needs that are not being met within our community and to help out where we can and to work with organizations that are filling community needs and could use our support. If you are interested in supporting Community Outreach, contact Reverend Deacon Steven Busch or 703-220-0270 to learn more. If you know of an organization that could use some support from us, please let Deacon Steve know.
Western Fairfax Christian Ministries
Throughout each year, St. John's parishioners collect hundreds of pounds food through the Sunday morning food collection, which are given to WFCM to stock their food pantry.
Save the Children
St. John's supports two children in Malawi and The Philippines.
Seasonal Projects
Parishioners contribute new backpacks for high school children in need.
Thanksgiving and Christmas food baskets are put together and delivered to those who could use a little extra help.
Community Organizations
St. John's provides meeting space for community organizations :
Elim Kids Academy Christian Daycare
Alcoholics Anonymous
Gamblers Anonymous