Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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"What in God's name are we doing in Centreville?"

A sign bearing this question used to hang in our parish hall. It's funny, but also a call to action: What are we doing here? And what is God doing here? And how can we be part of it?

In the Gospel of John, Jesus encouraged his disciples, saying they would see and do even greater things than they'd experienced with him (John 1:50, 14:12).

St. John's Episcopal Church is Rooted in Abundance, our theme for our 2024 pledge campaign. Rooted in Abundance, we draw on the rich tradition of the Church, on the history of Centreville and St. John's, and on the good things God has done for each and all of us. Rooted in Abundance, we follow Jesus Christ to ever greater things and more abundant life.

Read letters from our stewardship chairs and priest-in-charge.

With your contributions in 2024, you'll become part of our offering of healing, hope, and hospitality to all God's people:

  • Healing: worship God and proclaim the Good News of God in prayer (worship and liturgy), sermon (proclamation online and off), and song (music ministry)
  • Hope: form disciples of Jesus Christ, of all ages, in word (Christian education) and deed (mission and outreach)
  • Hospitality: steward our historic building and grounds for our parishioners, ministry partners, and beyond

Join us now!